Saturday, January 14, 2012

Funnn New Updates to Dating Site

Updates and stuff!

I've been working really hard on the back-end of my web application. This is probably going to sound boring to you since it has nothing to do with dating or social dynamics, but it's pretty exciting for me. Also hugely challenging.

I've been building this website ( for about a month now. I was rolling out updates slowly, but since Google seems to be a fan already and I have lots of repeat visitors, I decided that I wanted to have a really solid application before huge sums of traffic really start kicking in.

Tangent! If you really want  to help me, please link to funny compliments, sweet things to say to your boyfriend and sweet things to say to your girlfriend. Use that anchor text too! There are a surprising amount of people sharing the site already but it's the bread and butter of my traffic so I'll never complain about getting MOAR :)

Anyway, the new features I've added are as follows:

A user system where you can register and write compliments under your own name instead of as a stranger. You can also check out your score, because people voting for your compliments or comments will move you up and down score-wise, and there's a leaderboard where the people with the best compliments reside.

My favourite feature is a random compliment feature. It'll help me moderate new compliments when they come in because of how I coded it, and it'll also get more exposure to compliments that sadly slid off of the first page. This feature is really exciting for me!

They aren't online yet since I'm doing a huge rewrite of  the back-end and I have to re-theme a lot of the pages, but when they're up I'll put up some links.

Have a super fantastic day!

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